Woldsucess-e hoş geldiňiz!

Kebşirlemek rolin çarçuwasynyň aýratynlyklary

Jolds bilen awtomatiki rolikleriň arasynda silindr silindr görnüşli (ýa-da konus) kebşirlemek üçin enjam çarçuwa çarçuwa (ýa-da Kesil) kebşirleýişleri üçin enjam çarçuwa çarçuwa Esasan agyr senagatda uly maşynlarda ulanylýar.


 Şol bir wagtyň özünde, agyr temperatura birleşdiriji kebnhanlerden has gysga, ýylylyk täsir eden zonasy has azdyr, ýylylyk eden zond bolsa kiçi. Many materials that are difficult to weld with fusion welding can often be welded with pressure welding into joints of equal strength to the base material.

 Welding roller frame is a kind of welding equipment, in detail is a kind of welding roller frame, often used for the welding of the circular seam and the longitudinal seam inside the cylinder workpiece. Şol birdan, awtomatiki roller, ýaýly roller, ýaý, geçiriş, geçiriş enjamy, elektrik enjamy hereketlendiriji we ş.m. The transmission device drives the automatic roller, and the friction between the automatic roller and the cylinder workpiece drives the workpiece to rotate and complete the displacement, which can complete the horizontal orientation welding of the ring seam and the longitudinal seam of the workpiece. The matching automatic welding equipment can complete the automatic welding, which can greatly increase the quality of the weld, reduce labor intensity and increase work efficiency. Kebşli roldar çarçuwasy hem hyzmatdaş kebşirlemek ýa-da silindrleriň beden böleklerini ýüze çykarmak üçin hem ulanylyp bilner.

 Esasan silindrini gurmak we kebşirlemek üçin ulanylýar. If the spacing of the main and driven rollers is properly adjusted, the installation and welding of the vertebrae and the segment can also be carried out. Yzky uzyn uzakdaky bölekler üçin, olar jübi gysgyçlaryna oturdylar, olar kebşirleýiş rollaryny hem oturtylyp bilner. Kebdli Rolli çarçuwalary silindrleriň böleklerini ýüze çykarmak we oturtmak üçin enjam hökmünde kebşirleýiş bilen hyzmatdaşlykda işläp biler. Kebşirnamaçy çarçuwasynyň ulanylmagy Weglagyň hilini ep-esli ýokarlandyryp, zähmet intentifikasiýany azaldyp, iş netijiligini ýokarlandyrmak.

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Post wagtyňyz: DEM-nyň 14-2023